Colby Valve’s Emergency Valve Holds Fast

The Emergency Valve is meant for just that: emergencies. When you bust a valve stem miles from help, and don’t have any tools on you, the Emergency Valve will save the day. The Emergency Valve installs from the outside of the wheel in minutes with no tools necessary.

We’ve heard some people suggest that once you’ve fitted an Emergency Valve and have made it back to civilization, you should take the Emergency Valve out and get a regular valve stem permanently fitted. While this is an ok approach, it’s really not necessary. The Emergency Valve is 20X stronger than any traditional valve stem out there, so putting another standard stem back on your wheel will just set you up for another failure.

The Emergency Valve can be used indefinitely. Yes, you read that right. Indefinitely. Once you fit your Emergency Valve on a wheel, you can leave it there as long as you want. It’s not going anywhere and it’s not going to break. Our race team runs Emergency Valves on their RZRs and we’re currently leading the STR8 UP SXS standings!

Don’t fool yourself. It may be an Emergency Valve, but it’ll outlast and outperform any traditional valve stem, and that’s a fact.

Keep a few Emergency Valves handy when you’re off-roading and you’ll never have to worry about a broken valve stem again.

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