Until now, if you broke a valve stem while off-roading, on a job site, or in the field, you’d be dealing with a pretty catastrophic situation.
The only way to fix a valve stem involved inserting a new valve from the inside of the wheel. This meant breaking the bead and usually removing the tire, which often, still wasn’t enough. More often than not, you’d be driving out on a flat tire, ruining the tire and probably the wheel in the process. At a minimum, you’d have to take off the wheel and head to a tire shop to have them fix it for you. Then, you’d have to drag that sucker back to the vehicle to carry on with whatever it was you were doing. If you were lucky, this whole process would only take up a few hours. In our experience, it usually took an entire day, effectively ruining what was supposed to be a good time.
Thanks to Colby Valve, those times are behind us!
Colby Valve products install from the outside of the wheel, which means you don’t have to take the wheel off the vehicle or break the bead. Colby Valves can be installed within minutes and are 20X stronger than traditional valve stems. That’s all it takes to get you going and back to your off-roading activities.
Be Prepared. Get your Colby Valves today.